英語短文で日本の本を紹介します - 和田秀樹さんの「怒りの正体」




Key words:
怒り Anger
古脳 The old parts of the brain
興奮 Excitement

This book is about anger and anger management

The author, Hideki Wada, defines anger as an emotion triggered when we don't get things that we desire

Anger is associated with the old parts of the brain.

When being angry, the old parts of the brain releases a chemical, called serontine, that would increase our heart rate, sweat and the feeling of excitement.

Too much of serontine could trigger the tendency to attack. 

There are also upsides of anger. Anger is one of the strongest drives that motivate us to take actions.

Hideki also mentioned that people have different anger thresholds.

The anger threshold is influenced by prefrontal area (前頭前野).

Skipping meals could weaken prefrontal area and lower your anger threshold.

Therefore, please make sure you have breakfast today! :)

Today is the last day of a week.

I hope you enjoyed this book introduction on the train to work.

Have a good day and a good weekend.

This book is available on Amazon.co.jp: 「怒り」の正体


2月の図書はJosh KaufmanのThe First 20 Hours - How to Learn Anything Fastです。


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