ミニ洋書ダイジェスト - On Immunity: An Inoculation - その4 - リスクの認識 Perception of Risk

Eula introduced an interesting study by Paul Slovic. People perceive risk with bias. They think they know which risks lead to many death which risks lead to few death but, in fact, they don’t.

People’s perception is biased and influenced by immeasurable fear and the pre-loaded beliefs instead of quantifiable risks.

People tend to doubt the information that is against their beliefs even though at times, their beliefs may be incorrect.

For example, people tend to consider a substance is either dangerous or safe regardless the does. In fact, water is lethal to human in very high doses.

FreeImages.com/Carlos Gustavo Curado

Eula氏はPaul Slovic氏の研究を紹介しました。人間のリスク認識には偏見が存在しています。






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