ミニ洋書ダイジェスト - The Upside of Stress - その2 - あなたの体は脳の思い通り反応します。
Your body gets the effect of what your brain expects.
Alia Crum, an assistant professor at Stanford University, published a astonishing research on how mind over workouts and milkshakes.
For the housekeepers who were told that their work qualifies good amount of exercise and they will benefit from their daily work. They lost weight and body fat compared to the control group, who were not told so.
Alia conducted another jaw-breaking experiment on milkshakes. Drinking the milkshakes that were labeled higher calories and fats results ghrelin, the hunger hormone, to drop much more compared to drinking the other milkshake label with lower calories and fats. However, the 2 milkshakes are actually the same type of milkshake!!
The Upside of Stress - Amazon Japan Kindleストア Link: http://goo.gl/nsSd55
The Upside of Stress - Amazon Japanストア 紙版:http://goo.gl/MNImmB
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