4月の「ジェフの英語RFA読書会」- Free Agent Nation - 復習1





さて、今日は「Free Agent Nation - How did it happen?」

Until early 20th centuries, aiming to work for a large corporation was the most common career path.

It was very common for people to trade their personal dreams and time with jobs and security.

In late 20th centuries, 4 key factors dramatically changed the game. Becoming an Organization Guy is not the only pathway to security anymore.

1. Economy Adulthood
Large companies used to use security, such as full employment policy, to attract talents. were unable to keep enough profit in late 20th centuries. They started laying off employees.

2. Production Means
Technologies and scope of economics made basic infrastructure more affordable and made it easier to become a free agent.

3. Prosperity
People stop thinking about working for money, they start thinking about working for “meaning."

4. Organizations with shrinking half-life span
Company could start in weeks and even go public in a year. The formation of a company was never this fast before.
It is also faster for a company’s mojo to fade away.

Does this sound familiar? How much of it you can relate to Japan’s economy?

Extensive reading:
Here is a New York times article, written in 2013, about Japan’s famous lifetime employment.

Today’s question:

「In Japan, lifetime employment doesn’t guarantee job security. Are you prepared for this dramatic economy change? What is your plan?」

Please post your comments here.





