4月の「ジェフの英語RFA読書会」-Free Agent Nation 復習3 ー The Downside of Free Agent



昨日の「Free Agent Nation - The Upside of Free Agent」はいかがでしょうか?

Free Agentのメリットが欲しいですか?

メリットの後、もちろんデメリットもみないといけませんので、今日はThe Downside of Free Agentを語りましょう。


We covered the upside of free agent yesterday.

Today, let’s talk about the downside of free agent.

These are the downside of free agent that I pulled out from the book:

1. Vague border line of life and work
Free agents can allocate their time more flexibly compared to how organization guy can.

However, free agent don’t clock in in the beginning of a workday or to clock out at the end of the work day. 

Free agents make their works part of their lives.

2. Unstable income
It’s true that free agents have chances to get higher income but it also means that there are chances of getting less.

3. Harsh reality of the market
Market only favors the ones with skills in demand. If your skills are not in demand in the market where you compete, it’s very likely you are doomed.

4. Free agent traps
This is combination of downside 2 and 3, welcome to the Temp Slave Nation.

5. It requires high level of networking skills and not everybody has them

After reviewing these 5 harsh facts of the downside of free agent, do you still want to move to the Free Agent Nation?



Free Agentは自分の合う道と思いますか?
Free Agentになるためのスキルは持っていますか?


