4月の「ジェフの英語RFA読書会」ー 予習3 - Free Agent Nation
昨日の「Part II: Free Agentの働きスタイル」の理解できましたか?
今日は「Part III: How and Why Free Agent Works」の予習をしましょう!
Free agency relationship is very different from traditional work.
Power at organization is inherited vertically with a position in an organization.
On the other hand, power of free agents is created and its influence is horizontal.
How do free agents connect with each other and create more value?
The key word is NETWORK.
There are 3 major free agent club types:
1. Confederation - a more leisure form of connection
2. Entreprenetwork - a more formal form of gathering.
3. Alumni Association - a gathering of people from the same professional background, for example, graduated from the same company (not school)
Free agents exchange experiences, swap stories and share business opportunities through networks.
NetworkはFree agentにとってとても重要な資産でもありますね。
Free AgentでもOrganization guyでも、あなたは今まで「network」ということどう考えていましたか?
4月の図書はDaniel H PinkのFree Agent Nationです。
日本のアマゾンのリンク: http://goo.gl/fVoY2i
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