Book Review - The Language of Choice Theory - Part 2 - Parent-To-Child



本日のレビュはScenario 1 - Parten-To-Childのコミュニケーションについて読みましょう。

 Good morning. 

The first communication scenario the authors discussed is parent to child.

Parents tend to use external control language when communicating with their children and forget that their children are individuals and are independent from them.

External control language may get you win some arguments but in the long run they are driving your children away from you.

Here are the Language of Choice Theory patterns that I found in common in the examples in this chapter:

1. Ensure your children’s freedom and security
2. Express your stress and frustration about what is disturbing you
3. Tell your children they have the freedom to take any actions they want but there is a line you want them to keep
4. Give them suggestions
5. Tell them you are willing to and happy to offer help
6. Re-ensure your love to them to make them feel secured and they have the freedom to take actions.

What are the communication approaches you take when you talk to your children or parents?

Have you ever thought the language you use in communications will greatly effect the relationships?

この本はちょっとStephen Covey氏のThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People中のInterdependenceのコンセプトに似ていますね。


明日はScenario 2 - Love and Marriageのコミュニケーションについて読みましょう。


ジェフの英語読書会 第5回は5月31日(日曜日)です。

課題図書はSheryl Sandberg氏のLean Inです。



