Say Byebye to My Old Partner, SONY T1!!! 保重了!我的好夥伴,SONY T1!

My first digital camera, SONY T1, had died while I was serving in the army. It was a tough guy. I still cannot believe that it is gone like this. I carried it to so many places, like Hong Kong, China, Singapore and the States. I fell it on the ground thousand times. Its screws were falling apart. It would've still kept working. I wouldn't ever believe that it died while I was in the army, while I was NOT using it.

我的第一台數位相機是一台SONY T1,在前一陣子,當我在為台灣付出心力時候,它先走了...。

Some said electronic devices have to be used frequently. I started to believe them now.


Anyway, I need a new partner to keep exploring the world with now. I picked PANASONIC FX36-GT. Its price fits its value and my wallet. A very handy camera with wide angle shooting function costs about NTD$ 8,300. That price is good. But its picture's quality is not that beautiful as my love, SONY T1's. T1 is old, but its picture quality was very good. Except T1 doesn't have anti-shock funtion. So it is harder to get a good picture with T1 sometimes.

總而言之,我現在需要一個新的夥伴一起跟我闖蕩天下,我選了PANASONIC FX36-GT。因為它的價格跟加值相符,最重要的是跟我的口袋裡的錢相符。它是一台非常方便攜帶又很輕的相機,備有2.5 mm廣角拍攝鏡頭,花了我8,300的新台幣。價格算是不錯了,不過它的拍的照片還是沒有我用T1拍的那麼漂亮,雖然T1很舊了,但是T1拍出來的照片品質都不錯。 只是T1都沒有防手震,所以有時拍照時比較辛苦。

Well, Lumix boy 36, I guess we have to start to make our own great memories and pictures together from now on. :) Lumix Boy 36......hahahaha....I just came up with that name. That sounds cute, doesn't it? So here it is, that is its name now, then. Hahahahaha



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