Facebook創業者のMark ZuckerbergのNew Year’s resolutionです。


今日のカウントダウンFacebook創業者のMark ZuckerbergのNew Year’s resolutionです。

2 Days to Jeff's English RFA Book Club

I have read a article published on TechCrunch on 4-Jan-2015.

It was about the CEO and founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg.

He takes new challenges every year and this year he had cloud-sourced New Year’s resolution ideas on Facebook.

Do you know what is his New Year’s resolution for 2015?

It is to start a book club! The first book he chose to read reached the top seller rank on Amazon.com.

Paperback version of the book is currently sold out!

I have a feeling that 2015 is a year of learning from book club.

What do you think?

The article on TechCrunch is here at: http://goo.gl/WW26t7
