




3 Days to Jeff's English RFA Book Club

Key words:
本質 nature
理解 comprehension
知識から行動に移る transform knowledge into action

Today's book is Masanori Kanda's latest book, which is called READ FOR ACTION.

Reading may sound boring, nerdy and lonely to most people.

Masonori has changed that.

He kept the good natures of reading by approaching books in a innovative way - read with purpose.

It is extremely easy but it has a dramatic impact on increasing the speed of reading, the quality of comprehension, and the ability to transform knowledge into action.

If you have never attended a RFA (short for Read for Action) workshop, I would suggest you to try one that is near where you live.

One RFA workshop will definitely change the way you read and your life will never be the same.

RFA workshop information: http://www.read4action.com/rfainfo.php

I hope you enjoy today’s short article.

This book is available here on Amazon.co.jp 
