書評・レビュー・「7つの習慣」ー 習慣5Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
昨日六本木のAcademy HillsでEconomist Reader Clubで参加させていただきましたジェフです。
六本木のAcademy Hillsはお洒落ですね!Tokyo Towerの景色一気に全部!目にいただけます。
「Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood」
In order to achieve Win/Win (Habit 4), it is essential to have a good communication skill.
Most people tend to use “autobiographical listening” in communication. Autobiographical listening means to listen to other people with our own paradigms, our “glasses" of seeing things.
Unfortunately, this communication model is not very helpful to open other people’s mind up and understand the real message he or she is trying to deliver.
Dr. Covey suggests a more effective communication skill, called empathic listening.
Empathy meaning to feel what other’s feeling.
Empathic listening has 4 stages:
1. To mimic the content
2. To rephrase the content
3. To reflect the feeling
4. To rephrase the content and reflect the feeling
Communication through empathic listening, we can avoid judging others with our own experiences and unintentionally closed other people’s mind.
There is a great example of a empathy listening conversation between a father and his son in this chapter. Greatly recommended to go through it.
Are you communicating effectively with empathy listening?
I hope you have a nice day!
昨日六本木のAcademy HillsでEconomist Reader Clubで参加させていただきましたジェフです。
六本木のAcademy Hillsはお洒落ですね!Tokyo Towerの景色一気に全部!目にいただけます。
「Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood」
In order to achieve Win/Win (Habit 4), it is essential to have a good communication skill.
Most people tend to use “autobiographical listening” in communication. Autobiographical listening means to listen to other people with our own paradigms, our “glasses" of seeing things.
Unfortunately, this communication model is not very helpful to open other people’s mind up and understand the real message he or she is trying to deliver.
Dr. Covey suggests a more effective communication skill, called empathic listening.
Empathy meaning to feel what other’s feeling.
Empathic listening has 4 stages:
1. To mimic the content
2. To rephrase the content
3. To reflect the feeling
4. To rephrase the content and reflect the feeling
Communication through empathic listening, we can avoid judging others with our own experiences and unintentionally closed other people’s mind.
There is a great example of a empathy listening conversation between a father and his son in this chapter. Greatly recommended to go through it.
Are you communicating effectively with empathy listening?
I hope you have a nice day!
4月の図書はDaniel H PinkのFree Agent Nationです。
4月の図書はDaniel H PinkのFree Agent Nationです。
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