How to Improve PhotoReading - Part II: Knowing Where You Are / フォトリーディング 上達する道 Part IIー 現状分析

How to Improve PhotoReading - Part II: Knowing Where You Are

The most common barriers I heard that stop PhotoReaders from improving their PhotoReading skills are:

1 I don’t have enough time to practice PhotoReading before I can master it
2 I don’t think I am getting anything from PhotoReading a book

I would like to suggest a few tips that help you overcome above barriers.

1/ Understand how your inner biology clock works.
2/ Making PhotoReading a daily habit by identifying your key issue(s)
3/ Be patient

1/ Understand how your inner biology clock works.

According to William Dement’s study on sleep, a human’s ideal amount of sleep per day is 7-9 hours. With enough sleep, our brain can work more efficiently and stay in alert state longer. Paul R Sheele, the inventor of PhotoReading, also suggests PhotoReader to get enough sleep to get the most out of PhotoReading.

But what should you do if the amount of sleep you can get per day is not within your control (yet). Some of you might have long working hours or have to take care of your kids after work.

The alternative approach is to understand when your mind stays in the most clear or alert state? Are you a morning person or a night person? Do you feel more creative at night or in the morning?

Trying PhotoReading at the time when your mind is at its best state is helpful. It is usually before you go to bed or soon after you wake up in the morning.

2/ Making PhotoReading a Daily Habit by identifying your key issue(s)

After identifying the “most creative time”, some people told me that they just cannot find a time to practice PhotoReading. If that is your case, I would suggest you to start with a small step first. You can start from 20 minutes a day.

Now your task is changed from trying to mastering PhotoReading to having fun with PhotoReading for 20 minutes a day. That sounds a lot easier, isn’t it? (It is essential to trick your mind to think PhotoReading is easy and fun so you can direct your body to take necessary actions.)

Now what you have to do is come up with a strategy to allocate a 20-minute time slot for PhotoReading per day.

For example, I am a morning person and I like to read in the morning. My problem is I usually go to bed late and I couldn’t wake up at the time I wanted to. What I did is I try not to turn on my computer after 9PM. I was amazed how much time I have to get things done if I don’t turn on my computer after 9PM. I can take shower around 10PM and get ready for bed at 10:30PM ~ 11:00 PM. I now wake up at 5AM. I read for 30 minutes in the morning and exercise for another 30 minutes before I prepare for breakfast and start my day. I have been doing this for months now.

3/ Be patient

I understand most PhotoReading learners want to master PhotoReading the Whole Mind System in a short period of time and I was one of those people.

The basic steps in PhotoReading the Whole Mind System surely boosted up my reading speed dramatically in less than a day. I used to read word by words. I now start with reading the index and anticipating what I can get from a book before dipping into it. But there are more than the basic steps.

PhotoReading the Whole Mind System is like a type of sports. the more you do it, the better you get. I would say you will start to “feel” something is different after PhotoReading 50~100 books. But don’t beat yourself up if you don’t. Just give yourself a 3 months to try PhotoReading out. If it works for you, you are going to benefit from it for the rest of your life. If it doesn’t work for you, you can try something different.

フォトリーディング 上達する道 ー 現状分析




2 ・Photoreadingのための時間がないの理由を特定する


ウィリアム・C・デメントさんの作品「ヒトはなぜ人生の3分の1も眠るのか? 」には人の理想睡眠はいちにち7時間から9時間あたりです。Photoreadingの開発者もphotoreadingをうまく使うために十分な睡眠をお勧めしています。






次は一日 20分を時間を作る戦略を考えるのです。

例えば 、私はmorning personですが夜にいろいろ雑なことがあって寝る時間遅くなってしまって朝早く起きられないでした。私のベイビーステップは夜の9時以降パソコンをやめるです。そしたら、びっくりするくらい、使える時間は増えてきました。そして用事は10時までに済ませてシャワーをします。 10時半から11時までベッドで横になります。




たしかに、フォトリーディングシステムのbasic stepsを知るだけで読書のスピードはすごく早くなりましたがマスターするまでには時間かかります。練習が必要です。


