FAQ on PhotoReading / よく聞かれるフォトリーディング質問
After our last PhotoReading practice 2 weeks ago, I was asked "do I need to follow the work sheet every time when I PhotoRead? What if I don’t have a good 20 minutes, can I still PhotoRead? What if I don’t have paper and pen to jot down trigger words and questions, can I still PhotoRead?"
They answer is definitely yes. The PhotoReading work sheet is some thing I came up with to help me PhotoRead. The main purpose is to keep tracking the books that I PhotoRead for my future use.
I did a quick experiment recently. I PhotoRead a book called ユーモアの心理学 by 上野行良 in 24 minutes. I spent 9 minutes on preparing, previewing, PhotoReading, glancing for trigger words. Then, I left the book for a while (incubation) before I spent 10 minutes reading the parts that caught my attention. Finally, I spent 5 minutes making a quick mind ma and even forming few questions. (I have done it without pen and paper.)
Here is what I got.
All I need is the book of my choice and a simple timer that is built in on my iPhone.
Now I got the general picture of what the author is writing about. If I want, I can dig in this book for another 5-10 minutes to locate the information I want.
You should do this exercise at home. It only takes about 25 minutes. See what you can get from a book with 25 minutes!
3・空いてる時間に紙とペンはありませんのでTrigger wordsと質問を記入することができないです。それでもphotoreadingができますか
その本はユーモアの心理学 by上野行良さんです。
パート1・Prepare, Preview, PhotoRead, Trigger Words, Questions (紙、ペン、ワークシートなしで) 9分
パート2・Activate 興味ある部分を読みます 10分
パート3・Mind map 5分
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