Snowboarding at Afton Alps! and Stock in the snow ditch/ 在阿富頓愛爾柏溜"雪板" 外加困在雪坑中

(This is the hill next to the front gate of Afton Alps)
2007 March 3rd, I went to Afton to snowboard with Asian American Student Association at UWRF in Minnesota.
2007年3月3號,我跟AASA(威斯康辛大學雷河分校-亞裔美國學生協會)去阿富頓滑雪板。ps, 阿富頓是在Minnesota迷尼蘇達州的一個滑雪場。

(From the left to the right: me, Judy, Hli.)
In fact, we can choose to ski or snowboard. I don't know why, some how I just wanna snowboard! I think maybe snowboarding looks cooler to me, hahaha.
其實,在這裡,你可以選滑雪,或是滑雪板,兩種選擇。 不知道為什麼,我就是想要滑雪板!我想可能是我覺得滑雪板比較帥吧 。哈哈哈。

(This is me and the cool snowboard!)
Snowboarding is the best sport ever!! I love it! Although, I d0n't know how to snowboard or even skateboard. I think the times I fell is not countable, because I fell too many times! I have no idea why I am just a beginner and I still have the guts to go the the high spot to slide down. Maybe because I think this chance to snowboard is very very rare for me! After all, it doesn't snow in Taiwan.
我自己也搞不清楚,我明明是初學者,我哪來的膽子去很高的點滑雪板。也許是因為我覺得這樣的機會實在是太難的了,所以我決定不管三七二十一,給它去了吧。 畢竟,台灣是不下雪的!

(This is Xou....he is exhausted from snowboarding.)
I took the trailer without belt to the higher spot with Doua and Kia. They were skiing. I was snowboarding. When we reached the steep hill, we went down so fast! And I don't know how to control the direction and I was a scared..........But I kept telling myself, "just go, just go!" And it got faster and faster. I leaned my body forward.......and it was too fast for me to turn....and I was almost gonna hit Kia and Doua, so I decided to fall myself to stop........It hurt a lot! I bet!!! I hurt my left ankle and legs last night. But it was too fun.....I still wanna do it again!
我跟Doua 還有Kia搭纜車到山中的高點。他們是選擇滑雪。我選滑學板。當我們滑到了很陡的陡下坡,真的很刺激啦!我們的速度超快的!我不知道要怎樣控制方向,而且其實還蠻恐怖的,我還蠻害怕的。 我試著將身體前傾,而因為太快了,加上快要撞到Doua and Kia所以我覺得要來一個自我絆倒。天阿,真的很痛,我扭到我的左腳關節,加上我的兩支大腿!

(Right: Kia; Left: Doua)
Later on that night, on the way back home to River Falls, we got stuck in the snow ditch! OMG! How come???!!!! How did this happen? I have no idea! That night, the driver was Doua. She was on the freeway and talking to Mindy on the phone. She wanted to pull over to wait for Mindy. But Doua didn't notice that the snow besides the shoulder is a snow ditch! It looked so flat, but in fact, it is very deep. It is deeper than my knees!
那天晚上,Doua是我們的司機,她當時在跟mindy講電話,然後在doua要在路邊停車等Mindy時,Doua沒有注意到在路肩旁的是積雪起來的雪坑! 我們就這樣一路開進雪坑之中! 那是一個非常深的雪坑,積雪高過我的膝蓋!

(Can you see!! That is really deep!)
There are a lot of cars went by......only one stopped by and help us. I am not blaming the other drivers. I can understand why they don't help us. Because they are afraid that we might be bad guys............anyway, a tall, handsome, nice, and kind young man stopped by helped us. He drove a Ford truck and pull us away from the snow ditch! But it didn't work at first, because there were too many cars on the freeway, so the young man couldn't tow us away. Fortunately, a police officer stopped by. He said he can block the cars for us. And then, we got out from the ditch. It was so funny that after we got in the car, Kia and Doua were talking about the young man and the police officer.....they said the young man and the police officer are cute! Hahahaha.
在我們離開雪堆,回到車裡時,Doua跟Kia 很好笑說,他們在討論剛剛遇到的警察還有好心人長的都好帥!
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