Playing outside for welcoming the beautiful Spring / 為了迎接美麗的春天,我們在外玩耍
March 20, 7:07 pm is the first moment of Spring. I am so excited!
三月20,晚上七點零七分,就是春天來的第一秒了! 我超高興的!
All the snow is melting.
It starts raining. People told me that it is "April Shower." It means that it is going to rain a lot in the Spring in Minnesota, Wisconsin. I wasn't a huge fan of rain. But rain reminds me a lot of my childhood when I am in the USA. I was born and raised in Chi-Lung/ Keelung in Taiwan. It rains a lot there. Chi-Lung/ Keelung is known as the harbor of rain, "Yu Gan 雨港" in Chinese, or the city of rain, "Yu Du 雨都."

Therefore, it reminds me my past a lot when it rains. It reminds me when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school, it was raining outside the window. The sky was gray. All I can hear is the sound of rain drop. It was loud. I was sitting in the classroom, but I wasn't mentally there. I was looking the sky and appreciating the beauty of nature.......... I miss those days. I got nothing to worry.......
The sky here in the USA is so different than the sky in Taiwan. The sky here is huge. There is not many mountains and tall building blocking my sight. I can capture the huge sky by my eyes. There are a lot of different kind of clouds in the sky, their heights are different as well. It looks like some clouds are hiding from each other. I see all the different cloud forming a huge beautiful natural picture.
Today, Sunday, I went to the park in front of mu host family's house to play. I was swinging in the playground. It has been a long time since the last time I swung. It feels so good to swing. I love the feeling of facing the blowing wind. It feels kinda like riding my scooter in the mid of night, and there are no cars around, I take my time to ride...........


Today, we played for celebrating the coming of Spring.

I love you, Spring!
三月20,晚上七點零七分,就是春天來的第一秒了! 我超高興的!
All the snow is melting.
It starts raining. People told me that it is "April Shower." It means that it is going to rain a lot in the Spring in Minnesota, Wisconsin. I wasn't a huge fan of rain. But rain reminds me a lot of my childhood when I am in the USA. I was born and raised in Chi-Lung/ Keelung in Taiwan. It rains a lot there. Chi-Lung/ Keelung is known as the harbor of rain, "Yu Gan 雨港" in Chinese, or the city of rain, "Yu Du 雨都."

Therefore, it reminds me my past a lot when it rains. It reminds me when I was in 3rd grade in elementary school, it was raining outside the window. The sky was gray. All I can hear is the sound of rain drop. It was loud. I was sitting in the classroom, but I wasn't mentally there. I was looking the sky and appreciating the beauty of nature.......... I miss those days. I got nothing to worry.......
The sky here in the USA is so different than the sky in Taiwan. The sky here is huge. There is not many mountains and tall building blocking my sight. I can capture the huge sky by my eyes. There are a lot of different kind of clouds in the sky, their heights are different as well. It looks like some clouds are hiding from each other. I see all the different cloud forming a huge beautiful natural picture.
Today, Sunday, I went to the park in front of mu host family's house to play. I was swinging in the playground. It has been a long time since the last time I swung. It feels so good to swing. I love the feeling of facing the blowing wind. It feels kinda like riding my scooter in the mid of night, and there are no cars around, I take my time to ride...........


Today, we played for celebrating the coming of Spring.

I love you, Spring!
這陣子好忙 還在玩樂團中...
ReplyDelete越想越可惜 高中沒跟到你們@@
還有呀 剛忘了跟你說!!!!
哈哈哈 祝你平安~
這陣子好忙 還在玩樂團中...
ReplyDelete越想越可惜 高中沒跟到你們@@
還有呀 剛忘了跟你說!!!!
哈哈哈 祝你平安~
ReplyDelete看著我期中考要考的東西 我發現我這樣下去不行!!!