ミニ洋書ダイジェスト - On Immunity: An Inoculation - その1- 準備



さて、今週からはFacebookの創業者のMark Zuckerbergによる今年の企画Year of Booksで紹介された本のダイジェストを書こうと思います。

この前はSudhir Venkatesh氏のGang Leader For a Dayを紹介しました。この本もYear of Booksの中の本です。

今週の本はEula Biss氏のOn Immunity - An Inoculationです。





この時、前に読んだIllinois Universityが出版した研究論文Teaching the Process of Reading Comprehensionを思い出しました。


YouTubeでEula Biss氏のInterviewや本の紹介の動画を見たら、本の全体図はわかりました。




It’s Jeff.

I went climbing Mountain Fuji last weekend so I took a week off.

Starting this week, I would like to introduce the books, which were picked by Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook founder, in his Year of Books project.

The book, Gang Leader For A Day by Sudhir Venkatesh, was also introduced in Year of Books.

This week’s book is Eula Biss’s On Immunity - Inoculation. It is a book about diseases, vaccine and human.

Before I dive into this book, I would like to share how I prepare to read something that I have limited knowledge of. I don’t know much about vaccine or immunity.

My vocabularies in that field is very limited. I was worried if I can summarize this book.

As I was worried about that, I remember a paper, published by University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, called Teaching the Process of Reading Comprehension.

One of the solutions to comprehend an article that you don’t know much about is going to an outside information source.

I was able to get the ideas of what On Immunity is about after watching few clips of interview of Eula Biss or summary of the book.

If you are having difficulties at reading something, you can try to seek information from a different information source. I hope that is helpful to you.

That would be all for today.

See ya.
