Random TED Talks Challenge - The wonder of Zulu wire art by Marisa Fick-Jordan

Good morning!

This week's random TED Talks Challenge is The wonder of Zulu wire art by Marisa Fick-Jordan

Have you wondered what is the power of business?
What positive effect business can bring to the society?

Marisa shows how business can transform a village by optimizing and commercializing its traditional art.

Commercializing the Zulu wire art can improve the village in the following 3 aspects:

  1. Art
    • Preserving the traditional art - Zulu wire
    • Stimulating creativity to add new elements to this traditional art
  2. Business
    • Creating job opportunities
    • Increasing business transactions (buying and selling the art work and its material)
  3. Society
    • Amplifying average income
    • Encourage spending to create other business
What was your idea of business?

How does your perception of business changed after watching this TED Talk?

Please share it with us.



今週のランダムTED Talks ChallengeはMarisa Fick-Jordan氏のThe wonder of Zulu wire artです。



  1. アート
    • 伝統的なアートを現代までにキープすること
    • アートを新しくするクリエーティビティーを増やすこと
  2. ビジネス
    • 仕事チャンスを増やすこと
    • 商売を増やすこと(アートの商売とアートの原材料など)
  1. 社会
    • 平均年収をアップすること
    • 収入を増やすことによりお金の消費も増やすこと

このTED Talkを観って、その考えはかわりましたか?

