Book Review - Re-Awaken the Giant Within by Anthony Robbins

 I learned about Anthony Robbins’s work at my PhotoReading workshop last month. One of the participants brought Anthony’s book to the event. I also learned that Anthony recently visited Japan and the ticket to his seminar in japan costs 1 million JPY per seat. That is crazy but it also shows me how much value Anthony is giving to other people.

I could not stop thinking about who is Anthony Robbins and what impact he is bringing to the world so I quickly Googled him when I got home.

Very luckily, Anthony is giving everyone a free e-book - Re-Awaken the Giant Within on his website at:

Anthony broke his life strategies to success into 3 parts in this free e-book, which is a condensed version of his well-known master piece - Awaken the Giant Within.

1. Unleashing your power

Everyone has great talents and resources within them - Anthony believes so, I personally believe in this theory, too.

In order to use the great resources within you, you have to simply raise your standards and believe you can do it.

Belief is everything in you. It has the power to create wonders and dreams but also has the power to destroy.

2. Taking Control

Value is the key to take total control of your life.

Knowing what matters to you helps you to define your values.

Your value is an internal compass directing you where you are heading to on your life journey.

Consciously knowing your value makes a big difference in making decisions and each decisions you make lead you to the desired life you want.

3. 7-day Practice

If you are interested in what I have written here, you should definitely go to and download a free copy to access this 7-day practice for free. 
