How to Improve PhotoReading - Part I: Goal Setting / フォトリーディング 上達する道 ー 目標設定

How to Improve PhotoReading - Part I: Goal Setting

Goal is like a magical compass directing us to our desitney. The more aware of your goal you are,  the faster you can achieve it. 

What you would like to achieve with photoreading? You want to acquire a new skill faster? Finance freedom?

It's not easy to identify what is it that we really want in life since there are so many distractions and noises around us and within us. 

There are 2 techniques that might be helpful for you to identify the inner voice in your mind.

1. End game: 

Like what Stephen R. Covey mentioned in his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, “To begin with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination……*omitted*….(Otherwise) It’s incredibly easy to to get caught up in an activity trap, in the busy-ness of life, to work harder and harder at climbing the ladder of success only to discover it's leaning against the wrong wall.

One of my other favourite book author - Kanda Masanori - agrees with Stephen’s opinion. In his book “Future Mapping (Zennousikou), he suggested a good plan starts with the specific goal we would like to achieve before it comes to making detailed strategies. If we start from making detail tasks, we are very likely to get lost in the process and not be able to achieve the goal.

It is essential to identify what is your purpose to acquire PhotoReading Skill. Once it is identified, it will be way easier to integrate this skill with your whole mind and body.

2. Digging : 

I understand sometimes it is just difficult to identify the inner voice or the ultimate goal. There is a very simple technique, which is “asking why.”

Keep on asking why until you are satisfied with the answer you got.

Let me do a simulation here:

Why do I want to PhotoReading? Because I want to read faster and read more.
Why do I want to read faster and read more? Because I want to increase my knowledge and improve my professional skills.
Why do I want to increase my knowledge and improve my professional skills? Because I want to increase my work performance.
Why do I want to increase my work performance? Because I want my salary increase.
Why do I want my salary increase? Because I want to travel the world.
Why do I want to travel the world? Because I want to meet all those old friends who share very beautiful memories with me and they live in different countries. I want to fill my brain with beautiful sceneries before I die.

You will notice that your goal or purpose for life is getting clear by doing this exercise. You should keep on asking why until you are satisfied with the answer you got. You will notice a dramatic change inside you. You will.

フォトリーディング 上達する道 ー 目標設定



フォトリーディングで新たなスキルを身につけることですか? 経済的な自由(Finance Freedom)などがほしいですか?


どうして自分の人生の目標を見つけますか? 2つ方法があると考えています:

1・エンドゲーム(End Game)

七つの習慣の作者スティーブン・R・コヴィーの第二の習慣 Habit 2 Begin with the End in Mindの通り:自分の人生の終わり方(destination)から自分の人生を考えると色なことはクリアになってきます・・・(中略)・・・そして生活の忙しさの罠から簡単に飛び出せます。(自分のデスティネーションを分からないと)一生懸命頑張って成功への階段を上っていて最後に着いた場所は自分行きたい場所と分かりました。(引用ー日本語版の本持っていませんので自分で翻訳してみました。)








私の答えは”もっと本を早くてたくさん読みたいですから”。 なぜですか?

次の答えは”仕事のスキルをアップするためですから”。 なぜですか?

次の答えは”給料上げたいですから”。 なぜですか?

次の答えは”世界で旅したいからです”。 なぜですか?


