If buses stop for me, they should stop for you, too.

There was a couple at the bus stop tonight, right at the bus stop where I wait for the buses going back home. The wife is a Taiwanese. The husband looks like he is from UK. His accent is a bit British. The husband is sitting on auto-wheel chair. No body was paying attention to them, or i should say everyone is trying not to pay any attention to them.
I was standing at the corner of the bus stop, and listening Yo my favorite music, Ikimonogakari, the song was Yukiyamanu Yorufutari. I was look at the big building in front of me as I always do. It was a big offie building with black windows. I can see the reflection of this street on the building window, so I like to look at it.....and think about things.
But I started to realize that buses stopped coming. I tried to find the reason. I found everyone's eye sights are in the same direction. It was on the couple who were trying to get on the bus. The bus stop was a temporary stop, so the height of the stop is a bit higher. And the bus ramp couldn't pop out and reach the bus stop. The man in the wheel chair couldn't get on the bus. And the lady is trying very hard to negotiate with the bus driver to see if there is any way they can get on the bus. They were worried other bus stops might have the same problem. The truth is many roads are under construction in Taipei as we are building more metro routes. A lot of bus stops are temporary ones.
It had been couple minutes past, still, no one is helping them, not even trying to.
I was still standing at the corner, struggling if I should do some thing? There was nothing I could really do.....I thought. But the freezing air and everyone's cynical eye sights pushed me walked towards to them. "is there anything I can do?" I asked.
And the wife told me that they couldnt get on the bus. We tried to get on the bus from the front door, but the auto-wheel chair is too long to fit in the front door. Couple more minutes had past, there was a lady came to us and told the bus driver "all the buses are stuck on the bus lane, you should drive now." "..............what....." I thought. I should've let her know her that she had said a wrong thing.
Bus is a viechle which takes passengers to the places they are going to. The bus will not drive away until all it's passengers had gotten on the bus. Now there is a passenger who is still getting on the bus, how can you tell the bus driver to drive away? Tell me how come you have that kind of idea? I cannot comprehend.
If the bus stops for me, for you, it shall stop for everyone else. Even it is going to take longer. Lady, you are living in Taiwan. And now I am feeling sad for Taiwan.
