2010 Year Plan Review / 2010年度計畫檢討

2010/12/30 Thr.

又到了一年一度的"年尾Review"以及"年初擬定新計畫"的時刻到了。在回顧今年的Blog文章時, 驚然發現今年只有寫4篇文章,真的太打混了!不過也是因為一方面2010發生了很多事,像是跟奶奶說再見、找到了理想的工作、迎接新生的小外甥女、回到鹿 兒島"返鄉"、景仰的課長被外派到日本、招待聖月的家人到台灣玩、歡度聖月的母親生日、第一次跟聖月一起過聖誕節等等,感覺每一個月都有重大的事件發生, 心情很多起起伏伏,也因為開始工作的關係,在時間管理上面臨了前所未有的挑戰,所以今年沒有能夠好好的整理出來一些好的文章,真是可惜。

Time flies! It is time to review year plan and to make New Year Resolution! But look back 2010, I only wrote 4 articles! That is just too few, I was surprised by this outcome. It is mainly because there are too many things happened in 2010, things like: "saying Goodbye to my grandma, getting an ideal job, having a new niece joining the family, going back to Kagoshima for Obon holidays, bidding farewell to my respected manager who was transferred to headquarter in Tokyo, host Mizuki's family to Taiwan, celebrating Mizuki's Mom's birthday together, spending X'mas with Mizuki for the very first time in 3 years…etc. Pretty much, there was at least one big thing happened in one month. My emotion went up and down every month. And other main reason for not keeping on updating the blog is my work. It is my first time to work! I am facing a new challenge which is to find a balance point between work life and private life. It is very different than being a student.


Well, let's get started on reviewing 2010 Resolutions.
There are 6 resolutions I made for 2010. I will comment on each of them and score them. (Score on each item: Full score is 5. No progress at all is 1. Achieving Expected outcome is 3. Outcome between 1 and 3 is 2. Achieving further/better beyond expected outcome is 5. Outcome between 3 and 5 is 4.)
  1. 將體重控制在68KG以下,並維持體型。
  2. 在今年8月到鹿兒島聽生物股長(いきものがかり)的演唱會。
  3. 在夢想中的公司中好好學習,並做出一點成績。
  4. 償還就學貸款並增加存款。
  5. 精進英文能力 - 提升字彙能力 (特別是網路資訊方面的專業字彙)
6. 通過日本語檢定考一級試驗
1. Keep my weight under 68.
I had done pretty well on this resolution from January to October. But I stopped my continuous morning exercises in November. And I ate too late or too much in these days. My weight has reached to 70 KG. And I will keep it under 70, even make it go under 68 again! For the most time thorough out the year, I kept my weight under 68, I will give myself 2 points on this item.
2. Going to Ikimonogakari's concert in August.
This is my favorite resolution. Simple and exciting! I went back to Kagoshima in August for Japanese Obon Holidays. It happened that Ikimonogakari was holding a concert there in Kagoshima! Lucky me. And I got the ticket this time! It is as if I can still hear Kiyoe-chan's voice bouncing in my ear! It is SO DIFFERENT to hear Ikimonogakari in live than listening to CD. The sound settings in CD and in live concert are different. And, personally, I think Kiyoe-chan's voice had changed a little bit. Her voice is even stronger in high and middle frequency now. Without a doubt, I gave myself 3 points for this resolution.
3. Working hard in my dream company.
On the perspective of sales, I did pretty well as a new comer in this company. Plus, I got another new order by the end of 2010! Oh yeah! Sales Up! However, on the perspective of non-sales, for example, professional technical knowledge, I still have so much to learn. And I really want to shorten my learning time. For 2010, I will give myself 3 points on this item.
4. Pay off my school loan and save money!
I spent way too much money this year! I went to Japan twice. And Mizuki came to Taiwan 3 times. Totally, we met 5 times this year, which costs both of us a lot of money. Thank God the expenses were still within manageable range. I don't think I can pay off my school loan this year. But I think I should be able to pay it off by the end of Q1, 2011. I will rate myself as scoring 1 point on this item.
5. Sharpen my English skill (learn more about IT vocabs)
Although I keep on reading at least one English IT news article every workday, but there is no such a test can evaluate my understanding on IT words. I will give myself 2 points on this item for now.
6. Pass JLPT Level 1.
The fact is I didn't accomplish this mission. Because I realize English is a lot more important at my work position in my department than Japanese after I started working. So I focused on improving English. But I never give up on my Japanese. I took Business Conversation Course in Japanese in private education institute from February to August. After all, I am working for a Japanese company. I need to take phone calls from headquarter in Tokyo sometimes. I realized I should at least know how to take phone calls in correct Japanese manner and in Japanese. I give myself 2 points on this item.
總分:13分。達成率72% (滿分以達成期望值的滿分 - 18分計算,簡單計算,僅供參考)
Score Total: 13 Points. Completion Rate: 72%. (Full score is 18 points, on the basis of achieving expected outcome. It is a simple formula. Only for reference.)
Compared to 2009, I had made a great leap in 2010 on the terms of completion rate. Hahaha! Keep on moving forward in 2011!!!
