新年新計畫 / New Year Resolutions 2010

2009 is coming to an end. Time surely flies. As the 2010's arrival is approaching, I should make a New Year resolution like every other New Year. And, of course, look back and evaluate my 2009 New Year resolution.
  1. 參與AIESEC的Exchange Program的演唱會
  2. 交女朋友
  3. 存新台幣10萬元
  4. 將體重控制在65公斤
  5. 考過日本語能力檢定考1級
  6. 看生物股長或是Angela Aki的演唱會
There were only 6 wishes in my 2009 New Year resolution, including:
  1. Realize an AIESEC Exchance internship by the end of this year
    After finishing my Taiwanese National service in the army, I started to see things in a more practical way. I realized that I should save enough money to support my plan. On the other side, I also want to be more financial stable and independent, even strong enough to help my family. It is not like my family is having a crisis. It is just I want my mom can shop "easily" while buying things for the family, like grocery-shopping.
  2. Get a girlfriend.
    I thought this was the most stupid New Year resolution at that time. Who will plan to have a girlfriend? Weird, huh? But ironically, I got a girlfriend. And that is the only resolution that I have realized completely.
  3. Save NTD$ 100,000.
    I have saved some money. However, I quitted my job in November and had been unemployed for 2 months. Other than that, my friends came to Taiwan to visit and some got married in Taiwan. I had spent too much money on socialization. Hahaha.
  4. Keep weight below/at 65 KG.
    .............well....I still remember my muscle in March when I just finished my national service.....(sign)......
  5. Pass JPLT Level 1.
    I went to Japan to study Japanese in May. When I was still in the army, I thought passing JPLT level is really easy. I just need to study very hard. But I was very wrong. I have consulted with friends who had taken that test and with my Japanese professor. Taking JPLT level 1 is not very proper for my Japanese level. So, I took the level 2 instead. And oh, yeah. Everyone was right about it. Preparing for the level 2 was already hard. I only got 2 months.
    Fortunately, I had been very lucky. I had a private tutor, Mizuki-san. And I had a great Japanese Learning environment, which is my friend's uncle's restaurant. All the cooks were so nice. They not only taught me Japanese but also how to cook.
    And I passed the Level 2 test by 260. Oh, yeah! I guess this resolution is 50% done.
  6. Watch Ikimono Gakari/ Angela Aki's concert by the end of 2009.
Ah!!!! I had even bought the airplane ticket to Japan. But the concert ticket was sold out. ;(
I have completed my 2009 resolutions by only 25%. Well, but that is ok. I have adjusted my mindset and got ready for 2010! I believe I will get stronger in 2010!!
===================來吧,接下來就是2010年的新年新展望!The following is 2010 Resolutions=========================
  1. 將體重控制在68KG以下,並維持體型。
  2. 在今年8月到鹿兒島聽生物股長(いきものがかり的演唱會。
  3. 在夢想中的公司中好好學習,並做出一點成績。

  1. 償還就學貸款並增加存款。
  2. 精進英文能力 - 提升字彙能力 (特別是網路資訊方面的專業字彙)
  3. 通過日本語檢定考一級試驗
  1. Keep my weight under 68.
    Method: Jog twice a week. 50 Push-ups everyday. Have wheat oat as breakfast.
  2. Going to Ikimonogakari's concert in August.
    Method: This is a very precise goal. I hope I can get the ticket this time. I have asked my friend's friend, who is in ikimonagakari's fan club. Let's hope she can get tickets for me. Please!!!
  3. Working hard in my dream company.
    Method: I just started my new job. I will make a more precise goal on 7/1. ;)
  4. Pay off my school loan and save money!
    Method: Save half of my salary every month. Invest after I save enough money to support my life for 3 months.
  5. Sharpen my English skill (learn more about IT vocabs)
    Method: Read 3 IT related articles everyday, and one professional magazine in a month.
  6. Pass JLPT Level 1.
    Method: Continue my Japanese learning journey based on how I did it for JLPT level 2. I have 2 chances this year, one in July, one in December. I will try both! I will pass it this year!
Last, but not least!
I will stay full of energy everyday in 2010 as always. I will get ready for all the challenges and overcome them one by one!!! Let's roll!!


  1. Dear Jeff~
    新年快樂! 在日本好好玩唷!

  2. Ennis!
    Thank you so much for your wishes!

    When are we able to meet?
    I miss you!


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