新年新計畫 / New Year Resolutions 2010
2009 is coming to an end. Time surely flies. As the 2010's arrival is approaching, I should make a New Year resolution like every other New Year. And, of course, look back and evaluate my 2009 New Year resolution.
- 參與AIESEC的Exchange Program的演唱會結果:未實現
因為今年三月底退伍後發現,如果真的想要參與國外的實習計畫,先必須有一筆存款才可以,另一方面也是希望可以在經濟能力上可以有突破,進而幫助家中經濟。(家中經濟是沒有問題啦,只是我希望媽媽在買菜時可以多買點自己喜歡的菜之類的。) - 交女朋友結果:實現
這是我在當時覺得最愚蠢的新計畫,因為怎麼會有人要計畫交女朋友呢?真想不通。不過諷刺的是,這也是我在2009年唯一完全實現的新計畫。哈哈哈。 - 存新台幣10萬元結果:未實現
雖然存款有微微的成長,但是因為在11月的時候決定轉換跑道,辭掉之前的工作,所以連續兩個月沒有收入,還有剛好遇到朋友來台灣玩以及朋友結婚,所以就沒有達成了。 - 將體重控制在65公斤結果:未實現
這我真的不知道要怎麼評論了,回想剛退伍時我只有65公斤加上一些肌肉曲線,哀......我要加油了,今年持續加油,還要加上行動計畫才行。 - 考過日本語能力檢定考1級結果:1/2實現
我居然以260分的成績低空飛過合格邊緣啊!喔耶!所以算1/2達成囉! - 看生物股長或是Angela Aki的演唱會結果:未實現
- Realize an AIESEC Exchance internship by the end of this yearAfter finishing my Taiwanese National service in the army, I started to see things in a more practical way. I realized that I should save enough money to support my plan. On the other side, I also want to be more financial stable and independent, even strong enough to help my family. It is not like my family is having a crisis. It is just I want my mom can shop "easily" while buying things for the family, like grocery-shopping.
- Get a girlfriend.I thought this was the most stupid New Year resolution at that time. Who will plan to have a girlfriend? Weird, huh? But ironically, I got a girlfriend. And that is the only resolution that I have realized completely.
- Save NTD$ 100,000.I have saved some money. However, I quitted my job in November and had been unemployed for 2 months. Other than that, my friends came to Taiwan to visit and some got married in Taiwan. I had spent too much money on socialization. Hahaha.
- Keep weight below/at 65 KG..............well....I still remember my muscle in March when I just finished my national service.....(sign)......
- Pass JPLT Level 1.I went to Japan to study Japanese in May. When I was still in the army, I thought passing JPLT level is really easy. I just need to study very hard. But I was very wrong. I have consulted with friends who had taken that test and with my Japanese professor. Taking JPLT level 1 is not very proper for my Japanese level. So, I took the level 2 instead. And oh, yeah. Everyone was right about it. Preparing for the level 2 was already hard. I only got 2 months.
Fortunately, I had been very lucky. I had a private tutor, Mizuki-san. And I had a great Japanese Learning environment, which is my friend's uncle's restaurant. All the cooks were so nice. They not only taught me Japanese but also how to cook.
And I passed the Level 2 test by 260. Oh, yeah! I guess this resolution is 50% done. - Watch Ikimono Gakari/ Angela Aki's concert by the end of 2009.
I have completed my 2009 resolutions by only 25%. Well, but that is ok. I have adjusted my mindset and got ready for 2010! I believe I will get stronger in 2010!!
===================來吧,接下來就是2010年的新年新展望!The following is 2010 Resolutions=========================
- 將體重控制在68KG以下,並維持體型。實際做法:每周慢跑2次,週末假日晨間慢跑;每天伏地挺身50下;早餐吃燕麥片。
- 在今年8月到鹿兒島聽生物股長(いきものがかり)的演唱會。實際做法:我想這已經非常明確了,只希望可以順利買到票!
- 在夢想中的公司中好好學習,並做出一點成績。
- 償還就學貸款並增加存款。實際做法:在每月給付日時將每月薪資一半直接提撥存款。
- 精進英文能力 - 提升字彙能力 (特別是網路資訊方面的專業字彙)實際做法:每日閱讀3篇資訊相關的新聞報導,每月一本相關專業雜誌。
- 通過日本語檢定考一級試驗實際做法:持續自修,依照之前準備2級考試的讀書計畫執行,並先報考7月舉辦的考試,最晚在12月要合格考取一級證書。
- Keep my weight under 68.Method: Jog twice a week. 50 Push-ups everyday. Have wheat oat as breakfast.
- Going to Ikimonogakari's concert in August.Method: This is a very precise goal. I hope I can get the ticket this time. I have asked my friend's friend, who is in ikimonagakari's fan club. Let's hope she can get tickets for me. Please!!!
- Working hard in my dream company.Method: I just started my new job. I will make a more precise goal on 7/1. ;)
- Pay off my school loan and save money!Method: Save half of my salary every month. Invest after I save enough money to support my life for 3 months.
- Sharpen my English skill (learn more about IT vocabs)Method: Read 3 IT related articles everyday, and one professional magazine in a month.
- Pass JLPT Level 1.Method: Continue my Japanese learning journey based on how I did it for JLPT level 2. I have 2 chances this year, one in July, one in December. I will try both! I will pass it this year!
I will stay full of energy everyday in 2010 as always. I will get ready for all the challenges and overcome them one by one!!! Let's roll!!
Dear Jeff~
新年快樂! 在日本好好玩唷!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your wishes!
When are we able to meet?
I miss you!