I quit! / 我辭職了!

I quit my first full-time job in my life last week. You might think I am crazy. Why would I quit my job in a hard time like this, financial crisis and super high unemployment rate? And it is almost hitting the end of the year. I lost my bonus if I quit now! And it could be very hard to get another job at this moment during a year, since everyone is sticking to their job for yearly bonus. No more job vacancies.
我辭職了!我辭掉了我人生的第一份正職工作,為期三個月。大家一定覺得我瘋了,現在工作這麼不好找,又逢金融風暴、失業率飆高!你一定覺得我在想什麼吧! 況且,就要年底了,我如果現在辭職,我的年終就飛走啦!現在對於目前工作不滿的人們都在死撐,撐到年底領完年終,或是撐到明年領完紅包後再一起迎接"辭職轉換跑道潮"。
But….why why why~? I still decided to quit my job?
Of course, Rome wasn't built in one day. I am feeling like I am losing my passion! That is the main reason. This is the first time I don't like the arrival of Monday, which I seldom feel even when I was in army. It is not because the job is too hard. Rather than that, it didn't provide me a stage where I can perform what I am good at. So, I have decided to make a turn in life. Three month working experience is not really a plus to me when I look for a new job. However, my ex-employer wrote me a recommendation letter to show that my capacity towards to work. I am very grateful to that.
當然,這不是一時的決定,而是我覺得在這短短的時間內,我內心那一顆『火熱笑年A的心』的火焰越來越弱了,這我怎麼可以接受!我最大的專長就是我那『火熱笑年A的心』啦!這也是我人生第一次會害怕禮拜一的來到,就連我在當兵時,我也不會這樣覺得! 我的熱情退卻不是因為這份工作很難,只是這份工作並不可以給我一個能讓我發揮的舞台,所以,我決定在人生的道路上,轉個彎了。還好,我很感謝我的前雇主願意幫我寫封推薦信,畢竟我這份工作只做了3個月,下一個雇主難免會懷疑我為何離開上一個公司,多虧了那封推薦信,讓我在面試時可以好好地跟面試官解釋。
I thought of one thing that I heard a lot before I started my first job. "Do not rush to decide to work for one company." Now I have understood that saying. I didn't have enough life experience as I take the offer. Therefore, I didn't make a proper choice. But I've also learnt a lot from this experience. Here are my suggestions to current job seekers:
  1. Do research and talk to your elders more before making any decision regarding career planning.
  2. Think twice when your future employer told you he will give you some incentives or promote you if you do well in the following 6 months. (You will never know how your future employer defines "well." He says that just to get you in the company first….It is like a sexual relationship in the old times. ""I am not a gender discriminator pig, don't take it wrong. This is just a saying."" Before the male, future employer, get laid with a female, job seeker, male will try everything he can to impress the female. After getting laid, the male will take advantage and make it most out of the female. There is not much the female can do.)
  3. Do not believe in what your interviewers said to you fully. (Maybe this only applies in Taiwan? I am not sure. But I really think there is less trust among Taiwanese people.)
  4. No matter what you heard about the job in the interviews, the job description is always different than you thought. Therefore, you should make some assumptions before making decisions. ( I am not telling you to quit right away!)
  5. Your employer will never know how hard you work for him. He only cares about numbers and profits. (I can totally understand that. Since my boss cannot monitor me 24/7, judging me by my performance is, I would say, logically-understandable)
  6. Know what matters to you that most in life. And stick to that. (I can never lose my passion. If I lose my passion, I am like a dead man. Therefore, I quit)


  1. 在決定要去哪一間公司服務前,一定要做足功課還有多跟有經驗的長輩討論。
  2. 當你的面試官說:如果你這段時間表現的好,本公司就可以給你XXX,或是升你的職位;你要知道,他多半是唬爛你的。(你永遠不知道你未來老闆如何定義表現好,他只想把你抓進公司而已。 就好像古早時代的男女關係一樣,在洞房前,男方(公司)會跟女方(求職者)甜言蜜語,一進洞房後求職者就被百般揉濘(我沒有性別歧視啊!只是比喻而已),百年不得超生啊。
  3. 不管面試官說什麼,都不要完全相信。(不知道是不是只有在台灣是這樣,我總覺得台灣人彼此都很不信任。)
  4. 不管你面試時聽到你的職務的工作內容或是公司的狀況是怎麼樣子,等你正式進入公司時一定還是會不一樣。 所以你在進公司前一定要有心理準備!
  5. 你的上司永遠不會知道你工作有多辛苦,他們只管你的報告還有你的業績。(其實這也不難理解,因為你上司不會24小時地黏著你,所以依照你的績效來評斷你是完全可以理解的。
  6. 了解你人生中對你最重要的事物是什麼,然後說什麼都不要改變!(我永遠都不可以失去我那一顆『火熱笑年A的心』;對我來說:沒有一顆火熱的心,形同行屍走肉啊!


  1. :-)
    Dear Jeff, I'll always by your side! Keep your warm heart and chasing your dream! Good Lcuk!


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