不要再說『隨便』或是『都可以』 / Don't say ''everything is fine'' just beause you don't want to think

不要再說『隨便』或是『都可以』 / Don't say ''everything is fine'' just beause you don't want to think




I bet this happens all the time among everyone. When dinning out with friends, friend A asked you "hey what do you want to eat for tonight?"

Friend B replied "everything is fine with me. I am very easy-going. And I eat everything."


Maybe in times like this, friend B saved a lot of troubles and time by saying everything is fine. But things could be better. If friend B asked friend A "what do you want to eat for tonight? Do you want to have rice or noodles?" Asking friend A shows friend B's respect. Most important of all, it shows that friend B is thinking about friend A's question. It shows that friend B is listening.

有一部電影叫做『命運好好玩』是由亞當山德勒與凱特貝琴薩主演的,劇情大約是男主角亞當山德勒在因緣際會下得到了一個宇宙遙控器,可以跳過人生中不想要經歷的片段,像是在早晨起床時洗澡,漫長的升遷等待等等,而在跳過這些經歷時,亞當山德勒的心智會由一個叫做自動駕駛員(AUTO PILOT)的程式會幫你做思考以及行動,所以亞當可以直接跳到自己想要去的人生片段...。

There was a movie called Click. That was a very good movie, played by Adam Sandler and Kate Beckinsale. It is about Adam Sandler got a universal remote by chances. The universal remote can let Adam skip the parts in his life that he doesn't want to experience. Something like taking bath in the morning or the long wait for next promotion. While skipping the parts in his life, his mind and body will be controled by a program called Auto Pilot. Auto Pilot will do all the thinking and acting. Adam can just enjoy being to the moments he wants to go to in his life.


In real life, saying "everything is fine" is like letting the auto pilot taking over your mind and body. And once you get used to it, "everything is fine" will always be your first options when you are asked a question, especially easy ones.



爸爸說:『都可以啦』 爸爸一邊看著電視,看起來一點也不在意的樣子,下意識地這樣回答自己心愛的小孩。




But what if, what if it is your adorable kid bringing you his favorite candies that he wants to share with you.

Adorable Kid says: Daddy, I just went shopping with Mommy. She let me buy some candies. I got your favorites! Which one do you want?

Daddy says: either one is fine. And daddy is wathcing TV without looking at his loving kid. Daddy answered the questions without thinking.

And the kid returned to his room.......quietly.......

Do you want your kid to grow up in this kind of family



My thoughts kinda jumped around today.

But what I really want to say today is:

"For yourself and the ones you love, don't give up on thinking. And diliver your love to them well."


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