回到台灣重新出發! Start a New Journey again in Taiwan
After finishing my Taiwanese military services, I went to Japan. I wanted to improve my second language, Japanese, to a better level. And for some reason, I am not really sure why and since when, I have been highly interested in Japanese culture. I have always felt part of me is losing. And I could get the lost piece of mine back in Japan. Weird thing, uh?
This Japanese-self-studying trip, also a mind-exploring trip lasted 55 days. It ended on 7/14. I am not really sure if I had found the lost pieces of mine in Japan. But I am sure of that, by knowing a new culture, Japan, more, I know about myself more. I am also more sure about what kind of person I want to become. It is very hard to explain. Sometimes, you can feel something, but you cannot express the feeling in words. This is one of "those" things.
This 55-day trip had been very fulfilling, and costly to me, because June and July is job-hunting season for new graduates from collages and universities. In these two months, new graduates started filling out their CVs on 104 ,a Human Resource website, sending CVs to companies, and attending Career Fairs. These two months are "golden time" for new graduates. Well, but I am not in Taiwan for 2/3 of it! How far I fell behind Taiwanese new graduates of 2009!!!
但是我也不全然認為這是一件壞事,套一句英文諺語,就是『You get some, you lose some』,意思就是『你得到一些,你就會失去一些』,用好一點的中文來說,就是:『有得必有失』。
Oh, well. It is not a bad thing if you see it differently. You know, you get some, you lose some.
我在日本的時間,可不是每天都在吃飯還有玩樂啊!(雖然很常吃好料的,這個部分在之後我會好好整理,再分享給大家。)日本的6月到7月是日本留學生的就業潮,他們稱之為『就職活動』,簡稱:『就活』。(說到這裡,我忍不住要反應一下,日本人很愛用『簡稱』,就好像台灣人很愛用日期來下標題一樣,例如:八二三砲戰,五二零就職等等,我個人是覺得這很奇怪,不過事實證明,這樣來記很好記,連國小學到的八二三炮戰我到現在都還記得呢!) 而我的朋友,也就是讓我在日本有個居住之地的朋友,剛好也從美國畢業要回日本找工作了,我就跟著他參加大大小小的就業博覽會、企業招才說明會、面試,以及企業參訪等等。當然,面試的部分我跟不進去,不過藉以參加其他的活動,以及在每一次的面試我都會詳細的詢問我的朋友其經過,我可以說是獲益匪淺!!!喔,這個部分,我也會在之後一一整理後,在這裡與大家分享。
During my time in Japan, I wasn't fooling around the whole time. (I'd had fun and hung around for a bit... I will share this part later on in different articles.) June and July are hunting seasons for Japanese new graduates who studied abroad. They called that period of time "就活(syuukatsu)" short for "しゅうしょく‐かつどう【就職活動】(syuusyoku - katsudou)."
My friend, the one I stayed with in Japan, just graduated from a university in USA. And she decided to find a job in Japan. Wow! Great time! I could participate in "syuukatsu" with her! That was a great experience. We attended Career Fairs, Corp Recruiting Seminars, and interviews. I wasn't able to get an interview since Japanese corps only want a new graduate or an experienced talent. I am not either one. ;( I had to serve in the army, which cost a year. But I asked my friend about every single details happened in the interviews she had. I have learned a lot from these events! I will share more later on in different articles! Wait on!
I'm Yvonne from MCLC