JLPT Level 2 / 日本語能力試驗2級考試

(日本語能力試驗說明書 / JLPT brochure)

I visited my Japanese professor this week. I told her my plan of taking the level 2 test of Japanese Language Proficiency Test. She told me what the most people would tell me " I don't think so. why don't you take the level 3 test? That should be your level."


I understand that it is very hard for me to take level 2 test. For a guy, like me, only learn basic Japanese for 2 years. The total study hour of Japanese is about 240 hours. (It is counted in this way: I took 4 3-credit Japanese courses. If there are 5 months in a semester, that will be 5*4=20 weeks. 20*3(credits/hours)*4(semester) = 240.)

我知道考2級對我來說,是一件非常難的事情;我只學過基礎日文兩年,學習日文的總時數加起來也不過240小時左右吧。(是這樣算的,如果一學期有5個月,而我修的是3學分的日文課,這樣就是5*4=20個禮拜 20*3(學分/小時)*4(學期)=240小時。)

What is worse is that I did really bad in my Japanese courses. Oh, I think that is the main reason why my Japanese professor does not have faith in me of taking the level 2 test.


I just want to do want I think I should do. Interestingly, there is one thing about me. It makes me wanna accomplish a task more when everyone says it is impossible to. :) It is like I say no when everyone else says yes. And it is just because I want to say something different. Something like that, bu not exactly.


Anyway, I need a level 2 certificate to improve my CV. (Level 3 doesn't count much in job-hunting.) Therefore, I applied for the test.


I am not going to lie, level 2 is really kind of.....ok....it is very hard for me. I have been really bad on simulating exams. But I will try my best.


Ps, why Japanese punctuation only has period and coma? No question mark?? No other expression mark in formal article! It is a lot harder to guess what the author trying to say.



  1. I love what you say"Interestingly, there is one thing about me.
    It makes me wanna accomplish a task more when
    everyone says it is impossible to."
    So do I!


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