Falling in love with a Japanese Pop music band - Ikimono gakari
Well, I have been fascinated by Japanese music for a long time. Mainly, because most of the Japanese words are comprised with vowels, they sound really pretty and nature no matter how you arrange the words. Well, at least, that is how I think of it.
About a months ago, I was browsing on Youtube. I found Ikimono gakari out of blue. And the vocal's voice just impressed me with a feeling of purity. I just simply love it.
Sakura, the video I put here, is one of my favorite songs by Ikimonogakari. This video is very special. It is made by a Ikimonogakari fan. I love what he/she did at the end of this video. Please pay attention to what is in the end. And please think about that, too. :)
Another thing is that, I have been impressed by Japanese music influence on the world, specially on teens. I found a lot of self-made video, in which they sang Japanese songs, on youtube. And they are not Japanese. A lot of non-Japanese speaker love to sing Japanese songs and put that on youtube. I never really found someone who cannot speak Chinese and sing Chinese songs on Youtube.... How interesting. I guess that is because Japanese culture and music penetrate to all of our lives by Japanese animation, which is so popular around the world. You must know what Naruto is, right? And of course, Japanese dramas and movies are also popular around the world. I even found a lot of websites that translate Japanese and Korean dramas into English so that more people can watch them. That is amazing and interesting.
I wonder what will happen to our kids? When our kids live around the world but watch to the same animation and watch the same drama, movies, are they going to be more like each other? Is the "cultural fence" going to be lower? I found that really interesting. I start to feel some "foreigners" are acting and thinking like Asians. (Oh, by the way, I am an Asian.) I think that phenomena is going beyond our imagination. Well, that is just me, though.
At last but not least, I would like to put a video that introduce Ikimonogakari in English, so that more people can get to know Ikimono better! :)
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