大陆实习记2 / My internship in China, Episode 2

My Adventure in China – Episode 2
2006/7/3 (Monday)
Day 4

今天是我正式實習的第一天,我被分配到”蘇州東吳證券”公司上班,我跟我的同班同學被分配在一起;說實在的,能夠被分配到證券公司我真的很開心,也很興奮,我對金融理財很有興趣,平時在台灣,我就很喜歡看一些理財的書。有些人覺得我很奇怪,都說我看不出來是喜歡這種八股工作的人,常常問我為什麼喜歡金融業,我的回答是,我喜歡錢,but in a good way,我喜歡累積財富,學習有關於金錢的專業知識,這樣我可以做更多我喜歡的事情,多走走,多看看這個廣大的世界,想要達到Robert T.清崎(窮爸爸與富爸爸的作者)說的「財富自由」!
一開始我先開口提到關於網路資訊方面的東西,我問他說,你知道在大陸,有些網頁是已經被大陸政府封鎖了嗎?他說,我知道啊,其實大家都是知道的,他接著說,可是……政府這些行為是可以理解的,因為政府必須先保障人民基本的權利,那就是吃飽,活下去。這樣的話,對於有些民主國家來說,是很不可思議的,我想會有很多人不可以理解,可是仔細想想,台灣人應該可以理解才是,因為在台灣民國戒嚴時期,人民的言論與行動都是被限制住的,為的就是保障人民的生的權利,減少暴動,所以在當時訂定戒嚴管制條例;當然,這些西方人應該是不能理解的,之前在跟微軟工程師吃飯時就有討論到戒嚴時期的問題,Steve完全沒有辦法理解他說:I cannot understand why you sacrifice your freedom for your survival? ( 為什麼你們可以為了安全而犧牲你們的自由呢?)也許西方人對自由的訴求是對於生命還要強烈的。

Today is my official first day of my internship. I am assigned to Soochow Securities Company. Honestly, I am very lucky to be assigned to a securities company. I am very interested about the knowledge relating money. Some of my friends said that I look not like that kind of people who likes finance and asked me why I like to work in finance industry. My answer is that I love money, but in a good way. I like to learn the ways to manage my wealth in order to achieve the "financial freedom", said by Robert T. Kiyosaki, one day.
As the previous interns said, some interns might have "NOTHING" to do during the Internship. Because some companies do not expect a one-month intern can help anything. And fortunately, I am assigned to this kind of company. So I have to take care of myself. I anticipated this situation, I can make this internship a unforgettable memories and useful or to waste a month doing nothing here. What can I do? I made friends here. I met other intern who goes to Nang-Jing University. I have heard that the students in China studies very hard and they perform better than Taiwanese students in many aspects. Today, I saw it myself. His name is Liang Hoa Qi.
We talked a lot. His major is "strengthened liberal art", sounds cool. He said that he studied history at first and then philosophy. Hope I did not misunderstand what he said. He did not have a thick accent, but he spoke a little bit fast. And I might not understand some terms they use here.
Our topics are various. We talked from the special banking system in Hong Kong to the deeper meaning of Community's authorized ruling methods. We talked about some sensitive topics. but the way he responded about those topic impressed me.
At first, I asked about the Internet. I asked him that do you know your government blocks some information on the Internet. He said, I know, in fact, everyone knows. And he said, "I understand why our government do this, I know they have to block some information in order to rule and manage this country. At first a government should make sure that everyone won't be starving for basic needs, like food and water." For some people who live in a republic country, they might not understand why people in China think to be alive is more important than to live freely. I kinda understand why, because we have the same history before in Taiwan. I have a friend in the US, whose name is Steve, he asked me before that "I cannot understand why you sacrifice your freedom for your survival?" I guess maybe it is because of the level we persue for freedom is very different.

Liang also said that they can try to see those information which is banned in China by changing proxy to the US (wish I translate it right ;P). But it is complicated, not eveyone can do that. He said he saw the video about 64 Dian-An Square event on the internet, which is made by CNN. But his reflection shocked me. He said that he can understand why the government let soliders shoot the gathering crowd. He said, how can a government rule a coutry well without ruling a square well? He said, if the govenment hand this country to them that time, he cannot image what China would be today.
We live in very different environments and we have different education which made us different people. One cannot judge who is better who is not. I think I can understand why he think in this way in his shoes. Look around, nowadays, China is a modern coutry. China stands a heavy position in world trade chain. Today, if you want to do business with Chinese, you have to speak Chinese. Chinese has become a important language in business world. My image about China is changing. I think China is awaking from a long sleep.
I am wondering why some people in Taiwan think people in China is brain-reengineered. And they do not like or even hate community. My personal thought is it doesn't really matter what country you live in. What really matters is that you live in where you really like. Community country can improve very fast, especially on city-building part. For example, when they want to rebuilt the riverside building, they do not negotiate when they ask their residents to move out from riverside, they asked them.
I think everyone has the right to choose the way they live. Do not think the resident in China is weird or something. What side do you want to live? Rigth or Left? Well......I think as long as you are happy, you can choose either one.
Me? I will go my own way. I am not a professional at the cross strait field. I just wanna say that I do want I want. I wish people on earth can live peacefully and happily.
