ETMP Fireworks Party~ / ETMP 煙火派對,歡送畢業生

As the semester ended, most senior students left school to what is so-called real world. In order to wish them good luck, we held a "fireworks party" for them. This is a special party held by ETMP students.
ETMP is a special program in SHU, in which, all the courses are taught in English, in order to connect SHU students with this big big world. I do not really know if we are connected to this world or not. All I know is what we got from ETMP is more than I expected.......I met a lot of great friends here and great professors here. I love every single one of you. Although ETMP is a experimental courses ay SHU, I think it is good. Or I should say it is getting mature. At first, we have a great professor from NTU to teach Business English. But now, all the courses are taught by the professors at SHU. SHU is getting stronger, so is ETMP.
Dear senior students, we love you. We believe and wish you will have a great life out there~!
Create a sky which you are always long for. ;)
Juliano, Octovi and Lynn, we love you~
何謂ETMP?ETMP是世新大學在一年半前成立的新課程,由管院承辦,全名叫English Taught Management Program,可以翻譯為英文管理學程。這學程的核心目標是為了要培養學生的專業語言能力,藉此與世界接軌。雖然......我是不知道我到底與世界接上軌了沒,我只知道我在ETMP得到的,比我當初期望的還多,我不只學到了專業知識,語言字彙,我還認識了很多知心的好友,熱心服務、教學認真的教授。
可以去看看喔 ^^