2006.04.01---Year 2006 Inter-collegiate English Speech Contest by Rotary Club / 2006年全國大專院校英語演講比賽 by 台北扶輪社

今天是世新週的第一天,可是我不能出去玩,因為我要參加2006年全國大專院校英語演講比賽 by 台北扶輪社,聽起來很炫吧,可是我在第一輪就被刷下來了呢!可是我一點也不難過,今天,我可是非常的”飲喬伊”(Enjoy),哈哈哈哈,我在這裡玩得很開心,我也學到了很多;看到了台灣全國英語演講的菁英,真的令我感到很榮幸,我還交了許多朋友,雖然跟你們的緣分只有一天,以後相見的日子也不知在何時,還是要在這裡給你們深深的祝福。
To Rebacca & 不知名的朋友們。

2006.04.01---Year 2006 Inter-collegiate English Speech Contest by Rotary Club
Today is the first day of spring break. I cannot hang out with friends, because I have an English Speech Contest today. It is inter-collegiate, sounds cool, right? I lost in the first round. However I was not sad at all. I learned a lot from this and I did enjoy this Speech Contest. It is my pleasure to know the elites from every corner in Taiwan , who speak good English and have the ability to deliver the speech to the audience.
I also made a lot of friend today. Although we have met only one day, and when we will meet is unknown, I still want to give all of you my sincere congratulations.

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