不知不覺已經到了2006/3/14了....; Wow, Jesus Christ....it is 2006/3/14 now.....

----2006/03/14 (月)----




"我只是想能夠再跟你,再一次的,一起手牽手在太陽下散步" in 白夜行



----2006/03/14 (Mon)----

It is 2006/03/14th now, wow, I cannot believe in this. Where did time hide? Everytime I notice time, it pass through me , and go far away from me.

Recently, the frequency I watch Japanese drama decreased...... Because I only wanna watch "Byakuyakou". It is broadcasted on every Thursday night 9:00 pm, people can download it on the Internet on Saturday afternoon. Wow, how powerful Internet is!

I wish "Byakuyakou" can be broadcasted in Taiwan. This drama is so provoctive.

"I just want to walk with you again, hand by hand.....walk under the sun" in Byakuyakou

Every time I watch a sad Japanese drama, I always feel my chest torn into many peices.
